I'm a big fan of Superman. Always have been. Some of my earliest memories involve the first Christopher Reeve movie coming out in theatres (I believed a man could fly!).
But I never really dug the Superboy stories. For some reason, Superboy just didn't do it for me the same way the grownup version did.
I think part of the problem was that, even as a teenager, I didn't like teenagers. Maybe that's part of why I'm not as in to Spiderman and some of the other heroes. I like kids and I like grown-ups. In between, doesn't do it for me so much.
But I was excited when Smallville first came out. I've been waiting for a good TV version of Superman to come back on (yes, I said back on; the old George Reeves show was great) even thought I'd hated Lois & Clark and never really watched Superboy.
So when Smallville started, I was there. I watched that show religiously for a few seasons.
And then it happened. I noticed every episode was the same. Someone in town gets powers, someone Clark loves gets in trouble, Clark stops the person with the powers. I got tired of it.
I'll be honest--the formula could have worked. "Freak of the Week" is not an inherently bad idea. Shows like CSI and Law and Order manage to get a lot of mileage out of "criminal of the week" and we keep tuning in, over and over. The problem is, those shows rely on fascinating crimes and great performances by the guest stars. Smallville could never quite take its crazy comic book kryptonite freaks seriously, and our heart never seriously went out to any of them, or any of their victims. The stakes were never really that high, so our heart was never really that in it.
But I think it was more than that. I think the other problem was that a lot of us, watching the show, were looking for an origin story. Comic book readers almost never tire of slightly different variations of their favorite character's origin stories, and as we've watched all the different iterations of Superman's origin, we were interested in seeing another one.
However, it soon became clear that the show's creators didn't see themselves as doing any such thing. They were just doing stories, not a continuous plot the way we've come to expect from shows like 24 and Lost.
And no, I don't mean Soap Opera. Soap Operas (in America, anyway) are designed to go on and on forever. You put the characters through endless rotations--now Sally is in love with Charlie and Charlie is betraying Alice, but wait! Now Sally is betraying Charlie and Charlie is in love with Alice.
What Lost and 24 started to offer was a sense that things were going somewhere, and that your loyalty to the show would pay off as little things came to light down the line.
Smallville was pretending to be a show like that, offering little hints that Jor-el had a master plan for Clark, but that it might be an evil plan, or of Kryptonian connections in history, or other teasers that there might be something solid behind everything going on.
But, it was all just blustering. Time and again, the producers have let things fizzled, set things up and let them disappear, created one impression and then let something completely different appear out of nowhere.
If you're going to watch Smallville, and enjoy it, you've got to accept a few things.
1. The show is not, and never will be, a history of any of the characters we know and understand. This version of Lois Lane will never be the Lois Lane of the movies or the comics or the Cartoon. They've created their own version of Lois for this show, and this is not an origin of the Lois we know. Ditto Jimmy. Ditto Ma and Pa Kent (Since when was Superman's mother a successful politician?). But most especially, Ditto Clark Kent and Lex Luthor.
2. This show does not have a storyline running through it. When you're wondering what Lana's marriage to Lex has to do with the overall arc of the story, you're thinking about Smallville too much. Lana's marriage to Lex has nothing more to do with the story than any of 9 million stories where Lois turned into a monkey girl or Lois ran off to space that ran in the 50's had to do with the Superman story. It's just another week, another crazy thing they threw out in a writer's meeting.
3. The stakes are never really going to be all that thrilling. I don't understand why this is true, but it is. It isn't that they don't go big on occasion. The dam exploding in the Season Finale was pretty big. The big "end of the world" riot was pretty big. But it's just not going to be exciting. and things will always, always be back to normal in an episode or two.
My Prescription
First, you need to take some of the money you're putting in to doing special effects, and put it in to getting better directors.
I'm usually hesitant to place blame on either actors or directors for poor performances, because I'm never really sure who to blame.
But there have been some moments where things absolutely worked. So I believe there are good performances to be had from these actors.
And in many cases, the writing works. Riots are good. Exploding bridges are good. The writing in the scene with Jimmy and Chloe in the elevator was good.
But the scene itself fell flat. And I blame the director. I think Smallville is consistently badly directed, and they don't coax really great performances out of actors who have had moments of brilliance, but often let tension fizzle like a limp balloon.
And on a show where the final scene is always dependant on creating an emotional moment, generally between Clark and Lana, you just can't do that. You need directors with a solid ear and eye for tone, who can tell when there's no emotion in a scene, and who are demanding enough to call for another take and coach out the performances that are needed, then edit the solid stuff into moving scenes.
Second, they need to increase the stakes by introducing suffering. Suffering doesn't just have to mean death. It can mean heartache. It can mean abandonment. It can mean powerlessness. Start showing sympathetic meteor freaks Lex is kidnapping. Start showing poor people losing their homes to LexCorp. Start showing sacrifice.
And finally, they need to introduce strong, season-long story arcs. Let real questions be raised. Then provide surprising and exciting answers. Have people slowly develop over time.
Actually, you know what--that's not finally.
The finally is, they need to make us care about all the characters again. The fact is, right now, we don't.
Lana seems completely wrapped up in herself, pursuing a vendetta against Lex that seems primarily motivated by revenge. Boring. No reason to root for her.
Lois's motivation seems to be getting ahead in her career. Which, we know will happen for her eventually, since we know the future of the story, so there's no tension there. Boring. No need to root for her--we already know she wins.
Chloe is still the best character on the show. But what's her motivation? Nothing, really. She's the Velma of the show--she's around to figure stuff out that all the other characters are too wrapped up in themselves to notice. We love her, but we can't really root for her because she doesn't really have an agenda. They've been trying to give her one by making her a meteor freak--and quite honestly, that's probably the best element of the show right now. It's certainly led to the most genuine moments. Not quite boring, but still not great.
And Clark--well, Clark seems to just want to be left alone to work on the farm. Which, if you think about it, is about the stupidest thing to assign as the motivation to Superman. Would anybody have kept buying Action Comics if it was about The adventures of a super strong farmer who just wants to be left alone?
Of course not. They buy Superman--the story about the guy who will drop everything to go save the day at the tiniest hint of trouble, no matter how big or strong or evil the bad guy is.
No reason to root for Clark, either. If he got his way he'd be on the farm and there's be no show. Boring.
How to fix everyone's motivations?
First, Lana needs to stop thinking about herself. Characters who think about themselves all the time are uninteresting. Lana needs to do a complete 180 and become focused on one thing--saving the world. Only she can't do it, only Clark can. Lana's primary motivation needs to be pushing Clark towards any sign of trouble.
This would do two things right away. First, it would get the entire audience on Lana's side--a place where not all the audience has ever been. But she'd be pushing for exactly what the audience wants--for Clark to start being more like Superman. So they'd all agree and start being won over to her side.
And second, it would make her character become a motivator of action rather than a passive participant. It would make her seem strong. Give some life back to her, rather than have her be either emotional or brooding the way they've tended to do in the past.
As for Lois, she's the one who needs to be trying to bring down Lexcorp, not Lana. She needs to be fired from the Planet, immediately, and blacklisted with every newspaper in the city, so the question of how she becomes a reporter is a source of tension again. And then, she should start putting her resources in to bringing down Luthercorp. The audience will get behind her effort far more heartily than they got behind Lana's, especially since she seems more like an underdog without the 10 million dollar help.
I hate to say this, but Chloe is the one that, if put in real danger, could add the most real tension to the show. I hesitate to say that for two reasons. First, because simply making Chloe a damsel in distress would ruin her character, and second, because if they ever really tried to kill her to raise the emotional stakes, it would kill the show.
But the fact is, Chloe needs to start dying of this kryptonite poisoning. She can't really die, but her dying needs to be the catalyst for all the other action--the attempts to bring down Luthercorp, and to find out what's being done with all the other meteor freaks.
As for Clark, he needs to start caring more about the mysteries of where he came from and what his father really wanted for him. He needs to try to figure out all the Kryptonian mysteries and connections. They need to drop the whole pretense of "It doesn't matter what my father wanted, I'm a human now, blah, blah, blah." That was all just excuses to keep from answering questions. If he's trying to find the answers to the questions the audience wants to know, the audience will start rooting for him again.
So there you go! All the problems with Smallville, along with how to fix them.
Here I come to save the day.